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Lisa G Saw • June 18, 2022

Panshanger Park In Summer

Morning stroll identifying butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies

In mid-June I visited a friend up in Hertfordshire and we enjoyed a lovely morning stroll around the lakes at Panshanger Park in the Mimram Valley. Luckily for her, it was walking distance from her home and had been the place she frequented regularly during lockdowns to get some exercise and, like so many of us, to seek solace in the arms of nature.


Panshanger Park covers roughly 1,000 acres of countryside owned by Tarmac who have been “sensitively quarrying” sand and gravel since the 1980s. Now the extraction is complete, a large area has been turned into a country park and nature reserve for the public to enjoy. Tarmac manages the park in partnership with Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust and Herts County Council.

We set off in the warm summer sunshine, but like many a British summer's day, it became overcast soon after arriving. Despite this, we saw a good number of butterflies, though I daresay there would’ve been more had the sun not been obscured so much.

Meadow Browns were by far the most conspicuous and numerous. There were mainly males on the wing in the wildflower meadows in search of females. More often than not, when I see Meadow Browns at rest, the wings are closed. Compared to other butterflies, the pattern on the underside is quite plain. Its distinguishable feature is a single white dot in the centre of a black spot on the forewing, which is quite often visible at rest. This can also be seen on the upperside of the wings, when they’re open. As luck would have it, that morning we got to see one spreading its wings. A splash of orange on both the upper side of the forewings and a hint of it teasingly revealed by the partially covered hindwings meant it was a female.

Meadow Browns were by far the most conspicuous and numerous. There were mainly males on the wing in the wildflower meadows in search of females. More often than not, when I see Meadow Browns at rest, the wings are closed. Compared to other butterflies, the pattern on the underside is quite plain. Its distinguishable feature is a single white dot in the centre of a black spot on the forewing, which is quite often visible at rest. This can also be seen on the upperside of the wings, when they’re open. As luck would have it, that morning we got to see one spreading its wings. A splash of orange on both the upper side of the forewings and a hint of it teasingly revealed by the partially covered hindwings meant it was a female.

That morning we also saw a Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral, a few Small Whites, a Skipper of some description, which didn’t settle long enough for a photograph or for identification, and a couple of Ringlets. The latter can easily be mistaken for Meadow Browns near woodland edges, as I did that morning, at first.

There was something about the two butterflies that made me look longer. I’m not sure if it was the colour (they’re a darker brown than Meadow Browns) or their flight. But sure enough, after following them and finally getting a few photos, I realised my mistake. I love the way this pair were flying close together through the grass. I know you can't easily see they're Ringlets, but this was my best shot of them that morning!!! I suspect it was more a male in pursuit of a female, rather than a male defending his territory. These are one of my favourite butterflies. I love the chocolate coloured brown of their wings and the small rings that are particularly noticeable on the underside. I’d never even heard of Ringlets before last year and yet they’re one of our most common butterflies!

There was something about the two butterflies that made me look longer. I’m not sure if it was the colour (they’re a darker brown than Meadow Browns) or their flight. But sure enough, after following them and finally getting a few photos, I realised my mistake. I love the way this pair were flying close together through the grass. I know you can't easily see they're Ringlets, but this was my best shot of them that morning!!! I suspect it was more a male in pursuit of a female, rather than a male defending his territory. These are one of my favourite butterflies. I love the chocolate coloured brown of their wings and the small rings that are particularly noticeable on the underside. I’d never even heard of Ringlets before last year and yet they’re one of our most common butterflies!

Our main focus throughout the morning was actually watching the numerous dragonflies and damselflies that could be seen around the various bodies of water. It was quite fun trying to identify each species we saw, based on the knowledge I already had, but helped by the noticeboard nearby. We successfully managed to ID four of the species seen. Later, studying my photographs further and using my reference book, I was able to ID five other dragons and damsels (informal), including two more species. I enjoy the process of investigation and this is how my knowledge has gradually increased over time. I still have much to learn! Luckily for me, I have a few friends who have also helped me!

For those less familiar with identification, dragonflies tend to be larger than damselflies. The latter are much smaller and more dainty looking. Generally speaking, you’ll find the majority of dragonflies rest with their wings open, whereas damselflies rest with their wings either closed together or parallel to their abdomen. However, there are a few exceptions to the rule. For instance, the Willow Emerald Damselfly rests with its wings open.

Of the dragonflies we saw on our outing, the Four-Spotted Chaser was the most predominant. A number of males appeared to be defending their territories over the first small pond we stopped at. From a viewing platform, we watched their erratic flight and the occasional bouts of hovering, quite often in the same few places.

That was how I managed to capture this image. The trick was to prefocus on a spot and wait patiently for the dragonfly to return to it again. I also used a fast burst of consecutive shots and hoped that one would be in focus. It takes a lot of practice and you usually have far more to discard than you do keepers!

Sometimes there were moments of calm when we saw the male nearest us rest on a favoured perch or two. But more often than not, another male would intrude and there was mayhem. It was as if someone had just pressed a fast forward button! Occasionally, it was a female that did a fly by. She aroused a great deal of interest, as the males would follow her around the pond. A bit later ‘our’ male would return again, presumably unsuccessful in mating. Though who knows, apparently the ‘deed’ is over in seconds!


We did get lucky on one occasion, or I should say he did, because a female flew in to his territory. I noticed how she dipped her abdomen briefly, but repeatedly, into the water. Though I didn’t realise it at the time, she would have been egg laying. No sooner was she done, when ‘our’ male formed a mating wheel with her. They rose up a couple of metres above the water’s surface, and hovered right in front of us for a split second, then flew off (not quite into the sunset). It all happened so quickly, there was no time for a photo!

Of the dragonflies we saw on our outing, the Four-Spotted Chaser was the most predominant. A number of males appeared to be defending their territories over the first small pond we stopped at. From a viewing platform, we watched their erratic flight and the occasional bouts of hovering, quite often in the same few places.

That was how I managed to capture this image. The trick was to prefocus on a spot and wait patiently for the dragonfly to return to it again. I also used a fast burst of consecutive shots and hoped that one would be in focus. It takes a lot of practice and you usually have far more to discard than you do keepers!

Sometimes there were moments of calm when we saw the male nearest us rest on a favoured perch or two. But more often than not, another male would intrude and there was mayhem. It was as if someone had just pressed a fast forward button! Occasionally, it was a female that did a fly by. She aroused a great deal of interest, as the males would follow her around the pond. A bit later ‘our’ male would return again, presumably unsuccessful in mating. Though who knows, apparently the ‘deed’ is over in seconds!


We did get lucky on one occasion, or I should say he did, because a female flew in to his zone. I noticed how she dipped her abdomen briefly, but repeatedly, into the water. Though I didn’t realise it at the time, she would have been egg laying. No sooner was she done, when ‘our’ male formed a mating wheel with her. They rose up a couple of metres above the water’s surface, and hovered right in front of us for a split second, then flew off (not quite into the sunset). It all happened so quickly, there was no time for a photo!

Not long before this outing I’d heard people on Twitter talk of exuvia, which is the remains of the larva casing from which the adult insect emerges (damsels and dragons). To actually see an example was great, even if it wasn’t that fresh. It amazes me that larva of both species spend two years in water before it’s ready to turn into the adult form. The larva crawls up a reed and the adult form breaks out of the casing. The fact the dragonfly (or damselfly) is at least twice the size of the casing is quite remarkable. It must have been a tight squeeze!

Not long before this outing I’d heard people on Twitter talk of exuvia, which is the remains of the larva casing from which the adult insect emerges (damsels and dragons). To actually see an example was great, even if it wasn’t that fresh. It amazes me that larva of both species spend two years in water before it’s ready to turn into the adult form. The larva crawls up a reed and the adult form breaks out of the casing. The fact the dragonfly (or damselfly) is at least twice the size of the casing is quite remarkable. It must have been a tight squeeze!

Considering how small the pond was, it really was supporting an abundance of insects. From the viewing platform we could see lots of damsels. On the far side, which was inaccessible, a male Banded Demoiselle was flying around. Since I only had my macro lens, I didn't even try to take a photo. It’s a striking species with a gorgeous blue-green metallic body. Only the males have the thick dark band on the wings.

There was a female Banded Demoiselle perched on a reed closer towards us, but at the time I thought she might have been one of the emerald species because of her colouration. Whilst there were no Willow trees overhanging the pond (and no other trees particularly close by) I had forgotten that the Willow Emerald sits with its wings open, so that species should have been ruled out immediately.

One of the crucial things I failed to notice was how the wing shape was different. Instead of long slender wings, the demoiselles have a slightly more tapered oval shape. The female also has a very distinctive white wing spot that the male doesn’t possess and it’s a different colour to the other emerald damselflies. I’m hoping I’ll remember all of this for next time. That’s the great thing about making mistakes – you tend to learn from them!

There was a female Banded Demoiselle perched on a reed closer towards us, but at the time I thought she might have been one of the emerald species because of her colouration. Whilst there were no Willow trees overhanging the pond (and no other trees particularly close by) I had forgotten that the Willow Emerald sits with its wings open, so that species should have been ruled out immediately.

One of the crucial things I failed to notice was how the wing shape was different. Instead of long slender wings, the demoiselles have a slightly more tapered oval shape. The female also has a very distinctive white wing spot that the male doesn’t possess and it’s a different colour to the other emerald damselflies. I’m hoping I’ll remember all of this for next time. That’s the great thing about making mistakes – you tend to learn from them!

At this first pond we saw three of the blue species of damselfly, the Common Blue, Blue-Tailed and Azure. The latter were only a few in number, at least from our vantage point and the ones we were close enough to identify.

The male Azure damsel is similar to the Common Blue, but a few of the identifying features are that it has a noticeable black spur (small notch) on the side of the thorax and the blue bands on top are narrower (as seen in the photo).

The Blue-Tailed Damselflies were also few in number. The males are easier to tell because their abdomen is predominantly black with only blue on the end segments. One of the most useful identifying features is that both sexes have two tone pterostigma (wing spots). You can probably see this better if you expand the screen.

I thought the females would be another colour and that’s it. But, oh no! There are five different colour forms for the females! They all have the same blue tail, but the thorax is a different colour. We were lucky enough to see the rufescens, which was a first for me.

Unsurprisingly, we saw more of the Common Blues than any other species. At the first pond, we'd seen all three species in fairly equal number, but further along the walk and at the larger lake, we saw predominantly Common Blues.

In terms of identification, segments S8 and S9 at the bottom end of the abdomen are solid blue and there's no notch on the side of its thorax.

At this first pond we saw three of the blue species of damselfly, the Common Blue, Blue-Tailed and Azure. The latter were only a few in number, at least from our vantage point and the ones we were close enough to identify.

The male Azure damsel is similar to the Common Blue, but a few of the identifying features are that it has a noticeable black spur (small notch) on the side of the thorax and the blue bands on top are narrower (as seen in the photo).

The Blue-Tailed Damselflies were also few in number. The males are easier to tell because their abdomen is predominantly black with only blue on the end segments. One of the most useful identifying features is that both sexes have two tone pterostigma (wing spots). You can probably see this better if you expand the screen.

I thought the females would be another colour and that’s it. But, oh no! There are five different colour forms for the females! They all have the same blue tail, but the thorax is a different colour. We were lucky enough to see the rufescens, which was a first for me.

Unsurprisingly, we saw more of the Common Blues than any other species all morning. Not only at the first pond, but all along our walk.

In terms of identification, segments S8 and S9 at the bottom end of the abdomen are solid blue, there's no notch on the side of its thorax and the blue bands on top of the thorax are wider than the Azure damsels.

I hadn't paid a huge amount of attention to the birds in the trees as we walked around the park – we were too busy chatting! However, when we left that first pond I heard a very distinctive loud call – five successive notes, “On-the-mat-I-pee!” Well, that’s at least what it sounds like to me and what helps me remember it! It was one of the first bird calls I learned and not even one you hear often, but it’s so distinctive. It’s the call of a Cetti’s Warbler. The first day I heard it I was lucky enough to see this elusive bird, just as it was calling, so I’ve always remembered it. We weren't so lucky on this outing!

Much later along our walk we reached the end of a lake and I was amazed by the sheer number of Common Blues that were congregating around the tall grasses. I'd never seen so many before in one place. I didn't know where to look and which one to photograph first. But, then I noticed some lucky males had already found a partner and had formed a mating wheel, so I turned my attention towards them. It was great that they were relatively accessible too, and therefore easier to photograph.

What I love about this photo is how you've got a couple of the damsels flying around them, which gives you a little indication of the activity all around us.

Much later along our walk we reached the end of a lake and I was amazed by the sheer number of Common Blues that were congregating around the tall grasses. I'd never seen so many before in one place. I didn't know where to look and which one to photograph first. But, then I noticed some lucky males had already found a partner and had formed a mating wheel, so I turned my attention towards them. It was great that they were relatively accessible too, and therefore easier to photograph. What I love about this photo is how you've got a couple of the damsels flying around them, which gives you a little indication of the activity all around us.

There are two different colour forms for the female in this species. In the previous photo, you can see the green form in the mating wheel (if you look closely). This is the colour I’ve seen before. So, I was thrilled when I got home and realised we’d also seen the blue form as well. At the time, I just kept taking photos of each variation we saw and figured I’d worry about identification later.


You can see the blue on the abdomen in this photo. However, you’d also expect to see blue on the thorax as well. However, I’ve read that the thorax turns brown with age, so I’m guessing that’s the case here. It’s worth remembering age is relative. Damselflies in the UK seldom live more than one or two weeks. Dragonflies fare a bit better, but only the luckiest live about two months and most live less than half that time.

I did get a little confused a few times because I saw several damsels that looked more straw coloured and almost translucent. Upon further investigation, I discovered these would have been tenerals, a term I’ve not come across before. It’s the name given to the newly emerged immature damsels and dragons. Their colour develops as they mature. In fact, I've only just discovered that another of the species I photographed that day was a teneral as well.

I was very distracted by all the commotion of the Common Blues that it took me a while before I noticed a striking bright yellow large dragonfly resting on the grass nearby. I took some photos and later found out it was a Black-Tailed Skimmer. But, as you can see in the photo, there's no black tail, which suggested to me she was a female. I’d say in more cases than not, the naming of butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies are all related to the male of the species and there’s often significant differences between the sexes.

But that's not where the identification challenge ends! Just to add confusion, immature Black-Tailed Skimmers of both sexes look very similar (as is the case with other dragon species) and both are yellow. One of my friends assures me this is a teneral, freshly emerged, and you can tell by how clear the wings are.

Across all species of dragons and damsels you'll often find the eye colour varies between the sexes. In this species the male eyes are greenish or blue but the females are olive or brown, suggesting this immature is a female. There's one more clue here, the black ladder pattern running down the sides of the abdomen looks thicker in the immature male.

You can see the lovely clear wings of the immature female more easily in this photo with the Common Blue damselfly.

For quite some time she seemed very chilled out, resting on the tall grasses, which was handy for me taking a photo. Then the Common Blue suddenly appeared and photobombed my shot and disturbed her. Whilst the photo is out of focus, you can appreciate the difference in size between the two species.

There are two different colour forms for the female in this species. In the previous photo, you can see the green form in the mating wheel (if you look closely). This is the colour I’ve seen before. So, I was thrilled when I got home and realised we’d also seen the blue form as well. At the time, I just kept taking photos of each variation we saw and figured I’d worry about identification later.


You can see the blue on the abdomen in this photo. However, you’d also expect to see blue on the thorax as well. However, I’ve read that the thorax turns brown with age, so I’m guessing that’s the case here. It’s worth remembering age is relative. Damselflies in the UK seldom live more than one or two weeks. Dragonflies fare a bit better, but only the luckiest live about two months and most live less than half that time.

I did get a little confused a few times because I saw several damsels that looked more straw coloured and almost translucent. Upon further investigation, I discovered these would have been tenerals, a term I’ve not come across before. It’s the name given to the newly emerged immature damsels and dragons. Their colour develops as they mature. In fact, I've only just discovered that another of the species I photographed that day was a teneral as well.

I was very distracted by all the commotion of the Common Blues that it took me a while before I noticed a striking bright yellow large dragonfly resting on the grass nearby. I took some photos and later found out it was a Black-Tailed Skimmer. But, as you can see in the photo, there's no black tail, which suggested to me she was a female. I’d say in more cases than not, the naming of butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies are all related to the male of the species and there’s often significant differences between the sexes.

But that's not where the identification challenge ends! Just to add confusion, immature Black-Tailed Skimmers of both sexes look very similar (as is the case with other dragon species) and both are yellow. One of my friends assures me this is a teneral, freshly emerged, and you can tell by how clear the wings are.

Across all species of dragons and damsels you'll often find the eye colour varies between the sexes. In this species the male eyes are greenish or blue but the females are olive or brown, suggesting this immature is a female. There's one more clue here, the black ladder pattern running down the sides of the abdomen looks thicker in the immature male.

You can see the lovely clear wings of the immature female more easily in this photo with the Common Blue damselfly.

For quite some time she seemed very chilled out, resting on the tall grasses, which was handy for me taking a photo. Then the Common Blue suddenly appeared and photobombed my shot and disturbed her. Whilst the photo is out of focus, you can appreciate the difference in size between the two species.

It wasn't only butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies that caught my attention. One of the highlights of the morning was when I noticed some movement on the ground. It wasn’t a cricket or grasshopper but a gorgeous little froglet – a baby Common Frog. It was hiding in the shorter grass and thankfully did a good job of avoiding my feet. I’d seen my first one the previous summer, but had failed to get a decent photo. It had disappeared into the taller grass too quickly on that occasion. I was thrilled to see another and get a great photograph.

It wasn't only butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies that caught my attention. One of the highlights of the morning was when I noticed some movement on the ground. It wasn’t a cricket or grasshopper but a gorgeous little froglet – a baby Common Frog. It was hiding in the shorter grass and thankfully did a good job of avoiding my feet. I’d seen my first one the previous summer, but had failed to get a decent photo. It had disappeared into the taller grass too quickly on that occasion. I was thrilled to see another and get a great photograph.

Around midday the wind had picked up and there was a short spell of light rain. It was a good time to end our nature walk and head back to the house for some lunch. I was amazed by how much we had seen and there was still one more treat for us on the way back. A small Muntjac Deer ambled across the quiet road a fair distance ahead of us, pausing briefly to glance our way before slipping into the dense vegetation and out of sight. It’s the first time I’ve seen one in the wild. My camera wasn’t handy, but sometimes you don’t need one to hold a memory in your head.


I was a little envious my friend could just walk to Panshanger Park when she felt like it. Having an abundance of wildlife on your doorstep is definitely something to be grateful for. I could see exactly how it was a wonderful escape from the craziness of the last few years and would continue to be for her, and many others, in the years to come.

Atlantic Petrel
By Lisa G Saw February 26, 2025
AT SEA ONCE MORE With two more days at sea before we would reach South Georgia, there was ample opportunity to look for wildlife along the way and practice photographing flying birds...even the small ones! We had more whale sightings. Some people were lucky enough to have some close encounters and see tail flukes as the whales dived down, but it was all a matter of timing. You had to be out on deck at just the right time and on the right side of the boat to see it. The birders were almost always out, keeping an eye open for interesting birds flying by, so it wasn't suprising they had the most luck with the whales too. However, I was pleased to see two Humpback Whales not too far away, together. Their dorsal fin is a lot smaller than others and you can really notice their humped back as they dive deep.
Rockhopper Penguins
By Lisa G Saw February 23, 2025
DEPARTING PUERTO MADRYN The plan was to have two days at sea, heading towards the Falkland Islands. But, sometimes things don't go according to plan. Unfortunately, someone on board the ship had a serious medical condition and needed to be transported safely back to land, so they could receive the full medical attention they needed in hospital. We'd been warned of this possibility on the very first evening on board, during our briefing. In such situations the boat becomes the ambulance. Prior to our trip, I'd also heard stories of this happening and how the trip could be cut short as a result of it. Obviously, there was concern for the person in question and some days later we discovered their situation improved and they were doing well at the hospital, which was good to hear. The fact this happened right at the start of the trip was actually the best scenario. We weren't too far away from South America and were able to head to land at Comodoro Rivadavia. After safely evacuating the guest, we continued on to the Falkland Islands and we had just one extra day at sea. At that first briefing, we'd also been warned about a nasty weather system that was slightly ahead of us, so having the delay actually worked to our advantage. If we'd been further ahead on our voyage, we probably would have had to sit tight in port somewhere else to wait for it to pass through. During the days at sea, Bob and I enjoyed being out on deck with some of our fellow passengers, spotting the wildlife. Some people preferred to do this from the comfort of the observation lounge indoors. Others simply kept to themselves in their cabin. In the lounge area, there was also a varied mix of talks given throughtout the day, by the members of the staff. I attended a few, as it helped pass the time, but generally I preferred to be outside, as did Bob. It wasn't too cold those first few days and the seas were fairly calm. Whenever we needed to warm up after being out on deck for a while, we'd head indoors. There was an endless supply of hot drinks and at tea time there was always some kind of delicious cake available. We both enjoyed the wildlife watching, even though there were long periods of not much happening. I kept a keen eye out for vertical spurts of water coming from whales close to the surface of the sea. They were often very far away and not worth photographing, but this Sei Whale was a little closer to our ship. It is the third largest whale species in the world, behind the Blue and Fin Whales.
By Lisa G Saw February 13, 2025
PRIOR TO EPIC ANTARCTIC ADVENTURE I'd given up the idea of visiting Antarctica after the trip I was booked on in November 2020 was cancelled due to Covid. It was meant to be a 50th Birthday treat for myself. As you can imagine, it was hugely disappointing. With the future looking so uncertain at that time, especially being self-employed, I abandoned the idea of going because it was just so much money. I know there were many people that had cancelled holidays then, including Bob's son, Matt, who'd been due to visit Madagascar. In 2024, Matt was finally having that dream holiday and when we were having a meal out one evening he was talking about his impending trip. For the first time in ages, I mentioned my own disappointment and how it didn't seem likely I'd go to the Antarctic, especially as Bob didn't seem interested in going. In a rather bizarre turn of events, later that same evening Matt received some information from Birdquest about a 50% discount on an Antarctic trip leaving in 6 weeks with Oceanwide Expeditions. I couldn't believe it! What's more, after reading about the trip and the dates, I realised it coincided with my mid term break in classes, and so it seemed entirely possible I could go. I'd have to extend my break from teaching to allow enough time to travel to/from South America and for the 21 days of the trip, but it seemed crazy not to take advantage of this amazing offer. I was keen to go, Bob was less so, and we took a weekend to think about it, look at all the costs involved, before making a decision. In that time, we nearly both talked ourselves out of going. For me, it was largely to do with whether I should go, considering the impact such a voyage has on the polar region and also my carbon footprint. After much deliberation, I decided it was such an amazing opportunity, I didn't want to pass it up. I needed to let go of any guilt in choosing to go and it was also important to me to find some balance - such as making a donation, sharing the photos and the experience not only in this blog, but by giving talks. This was in alignment with my greater purpose, which is to inspire people to care about nature and this planet and not just what's on our own doorstep, but all around the world. I'd actually given up the hope that Bob would join me, but as we looked through the promotional photos for the trip, he suddenly said, 'Okay! Just book it!' I was so surprised, but thrilled he was going to join me. What an amazing experience we would have together. I quickly booked before he could change his mind and six weeks later we were flying out to Argentina to begin our epic adventure.
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