


I love writing and have done ever since I was a teenager. Not long ago, I realised just how important it is to me. So, I’m very excited about the changes I’ve recently made in my life, which will give me more time to dedicate to my writing projects.

When I was younger, I focused on creative writing, but in more recent times I’ve come to realise how much I enjoy writing non-fiction. I love sharing my experiences out in nature, but also writing about life’s challenges and how important it is to stay positive. I've got lots of book ideas, but for now I'm working on my first project, a non-fiction book called Shooting Stars and you can read more about this below, including updates on my progress and some initial feedback on my first chapter.

If you’d like to receive future updates, when I have significant progress to announce, please sign-up using the form on the Contact page.



It’s an inspiring true story about an emotional journey of self-discovery following grief, being brave and taking a new direction in life, set against the backdrop of a year travelling around Australia.

When I was 25 my dad unexpectedly died. In an instant, my life changed. After the initial shock, grief took hold and a rollercoaster of emotions that went on for many months. I started to question so much about my life and the direction it was heading. So much so, I started to believe that a different future could exist for me, other than the path I was already on. Taking such a drastic leap of faith in a totally new direction seemed a little crazy and yet I knew I had to do it. I was determined to live a life without regret. So, I sold my house and left my job and headed off to Australia for a year, with the plan to do research for a novel. I had so much hope and optimism for the future. I was excited about what lay ahead. I didn't know what the future held, but I was certain it was the right path for me to travel down and so the journey began.

Here's a mock up front cover for my book.

Here's a mock up front cover for my book.

Shooting Stars: A Personal Journey


Below I've written some updates relating to my progress with writing my book Shooting Stars. You can click on the button below, or link here, if you'd like to read my first update and scroll up through the timeline. Alternatively, you can start at the top with the most recent one. I've already shared my first chapter with a few ladies from my classes. So, if you'd like to skip straight to their feedback you can!

Go down to first update


Photos Selected for Book

This photo is of the Bungle Bungles within Purnululu National Park, located in the northern area of Western Australia. It's one of the 43 photos I've shortlisted to include in my book. It's been fun looking through them, trying to select the best ones. They've reminded me of some very special places. With so many amazing memories, it was challenging shortlisting so few from the many I captured during my amazing year travelling around Australia. It's a country filled with stunning natural beauty and amazing wildlife, so I've tried to include a selection of both, plus a few depicting some of my adventures.

Bungle Bungles, Western Australia


A Mini Celebration!

I've completed the long-phase edit of my book. I say long-phase, because I had to systematically work through each chapter and rewrite it. It's taken me the best part of a year. More editing is still required, but it will be easier from here on out. For starters, I now need to read the book all the way through without editing, as though I were a reader coming to it for the first time. I can make notes as I go through that process, ready to edit it again afterwards as a whole.

I'm really pleased with what I've achieved so far, but more importantly, I'm really happy with how it reads. I can't wait to share it with others. Soon!


The End Is In Sight

I knew at the start of 2023 that it would most likely take me the whole year to complete editing my book. I wasn't wrong. There were various times throughout the year when life took over and the editing had to take a back seat. But, I'm thrilled to say, I'm really close to finishing this stage of the process. With just three chapters to go, I feel sure that I'll complete it by the end of January. I'm really happy with how it's shaping up.


Slow Progress!

It's taken me a while to settle into a new routine, juggling all areas of my life. I started the year with good intentions, but only now do I feel like I'm starting to get into a rhythm with it. I guess this was bound to happen. It's not that easy to compartmentalise our lives. There are always distractions. However, I'm remaining focused and I realise sometimes it's important just to go with the flow and not stress about it. I want to enjoy this process and not set myself too many goals. After all, I want to enjoy life!


New Year's Resolutions!

Actually, they're more like goals and aims than resolutions. Relaunching my website was one. I wanted to include information about my writing and the book I'm working on. Saying I'm a writer and putting it out there in the public domain was a big step for me. So, I'm thrilled I've already achieved this one. Tick. Making small steps forward is exciting!

I've started the year feeling very positive and enthusiastic. I'm determined to complete my third edit this year. That will take quite a bit longer to achieve, but I'm sure I'll achieve it! I'm also aiming this year to start the necessary preparations and research into having my book published.

This is going to be an important and significant year for me! I'm really happy about this new path I'm on and looking forward to everything that lies ahead. Writing isn't about the end product but enjoying the process!


I'm thrilled about the feedback I've received!

"I really enjoyed reading the first chapter of your book. It was a refreshing change to read some non fiction. You had me really hooked when you revealed why you had gone over to Australia! I think the opening is really strong and the book really starts with a bang! There are some gorgeous descriptions running through the first chapter too. Where it really comes alive for me though are the parts where you're talking about your family, in particular the loss of your dad, which was very poignant. I had a similar experience in losing my dad and I think anyone who has suffered grief and loss (which I imagine would be most people) would be able to identify with this. I'm very interested to see what happens next!"

Jo, Angmering

"I love it. I thought I would just read the first few pages but could not stop. I found it so easy to read and very amusing in places. I’m no author but if a book captures me in the first few pages then I usually enjoy it. This certainly did capture me. So good luck with the rest of it and look forward to the completion of the book."

Dianne, Shoreham


Now I've edited my first chapter, I want to see what a few people think of it! Gulp!

I write for myself and because I love it. But, I also love to share with others. I'm hoping that more than my close family and friends will one day get to read my book. I can't lie, the thought of being published is a dream I've had ever since I was a teenager. So, at some point I'm going to have to find out if other people enjoy what I've written! Today, I'm sending my first chapter to a few ladies who attend my class to see what they think. Fingers crossed they like it!


FINALLY, I've started work on my third draft.

I'm getting up early every weekday morning and writing. It's the best time of day for me. It's good to get back into the habit and it's so satisfying to be writing again. I'm so happy! I don't have loads more time than before, the changes to my teaching schedule won't take effect until November, but I was anxious to get cracking on my third draft. I don't want to edit it too heavily and lose the essence of what I originally wrote, but I think a little bit more is required.


I'm back teaching again, but it's time to make some tough decisions!

My plantar fasciitis is much better now. I've been keeping up with my exercises and I'm wearing some new personalised insoles, thanks to my podiatrist. My right frozen shoulder is pain free and I'm already seeing an improvement in the range of motion. The fact it's more recently developed in my left shoulder is a set back, but I know in time that will improve too.

It's good to be teaching again. However, in the summer I started to think about how I'm going to make more time for my writing and the reality is, I'm going to need to close a couple of classes. Now I'm the other side of 50, it's more of a physical challenge to teach as many classes as I have been. I need to think about my long term fitness. I know it's the right thing for me to do, but right now I feel a bit sad. I enjoy teaching all my classes. They're a lovely bunch of ladies and I'm sure they'll be supportive and understanding. But, that doesn't make the decision any easier!


I've created a mock front cover for my book!

This might sound a bit funny, but it's to help me stay positive and focused. The photo is standing on my hall table alongside the bound copy of the first draft of my book. I read somewhere it's really good to have visual reminders of what you want. Having my book published is what I want! I'm determined to think positively! You can't achieve what you want in life if you don't believe you can!


I made a big decision today - I'm going to make writing a bigger part of my life! I couldn't be happier!

Life has been particularly tough of late, following the recent death of my stepdad and then sustaining two potentially long term chronic injuries. I tried to continue teaching my dance classes, but my injuries have become worse. I realise I need to take some time out and rest, which in itself hasn't been an easy decision to make. Deep down I know this is what I need in order to move forward, but it's still difficult to step back. But, in doing so, it's given me the chance to reassess things. In fact, just last week I completed an exercise called Symptom Dialogue, where I literally asked myself what my body is trying to reveal to me regarding my injuries. It was fascinating what thoughts came to me. Whilst I may not be able to do all the things I normally do, I have more time now for other things. Writing is one of them. I realise how much I've missed it. I've done absolutely nothing with my book since completing the second draft. I don't want that to be where it ends. I want to get it published. Only, it isn't just about now, I want to make more time for my writing in the future. I don't want it to just be what I do in my spare time. Ooh! This is quite exciting. I feel some big changes are ahead of me!

I'm actually in the process of writing a whole blog series about 2022, which you can read about here: Living The Best Life Possible. It starts with when I decided to take time out and some of the steps and processes I've gone through to cope with the recent challenges.


I've completed my first edit and second draft.

I think it's quite difficult to edit a memoir because everything meant something to me. However, it doesn't necessarily make for good reading. Taking out sections to condense the work was tough at first, but definitely became easier the further into the story I went. I feel like it's a more manageable size now.


Today I finished my first non-fiction book. Well...the first draft anyway!

I'm so proud of what I've achieved. I'm going to get it printed/bound so I have my own copy of the full unedited version as a full memoir of my year in Australia. I'm really pleased with how it's come together so far. However, I know I've got some serious editing ahead of me, as it's way too long at the moment to even consider trying to get it published!

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