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Lisa G Saw • December 15, 2022

Emotional Trauma Release

I’ve been on quite an emotional journey this year, which I’ve been writing about in my blog series Living The Best Life Possible. The most recent post was about Symptom Dialogue, an exercise I’d read about in The Mind Body Bible by Dr Mark Atkinson. The idea was to look beyond my physical injuries and tap into my deeper wants, needs and emotions. As a result, I gained greater awareness and clarity. From this starting point, I began to deal with other issues that were affecting my emotional state. I was ready. So, just one week later, I tried another exercise outlined in the same book, Emotional Trauma Release.


As Dr Mark Atkinson outlines, emotional trauma can mean so many different things and in this context mostly relates to abuse, bullying, heartbreak, accidents, phobias and witnessing a disturbing incident. It isn’t just about the event, but how we respond to it, which may continue long afterwards. It may be hard to process if we go into denial, shock or feel overwhelmed. ‘The painful emotional charge generated in response to the event gets lodged and trapped inside of you.’ How we respond to emotional trauma will also vary hugely from person to person. Some of the possible effects are depression, insomnia, anxiety and addictions, with ‘health, relationships, work and confidence being the most badly affected.’ If you experience distress, upset, anger, irritability, numbness or any negative emotional state when you think about a specific person or event, then at some level you’re still affected. I knew this was true for me.


Just over six months earlier, my stepdad died of cancer. I was still traumatised by the last time I saw him – the day before he died. He didn’t look like the man I knew. I’d never seen someone so close to death before. Whenever I’ve thought about him since then, it was that unwanted memory that always came back first and brought with it the tears. The emotions. The sadness and pain. With his memorial only a few weeks away, it was time for me to let go of the sadness. I was starting to feel positive about the road ahead and I wanted to have happier memories of him instead. I felt sure that it would help me gain some sense of closure.


In the book, there were two exercises outlined, and I ought to stress that the recommendation was to do them with an experienced practitioner, especially if you feel overwhelmed as you go through the process. As I was already in a more positive mental space and sufficient time had passed since the event itself, I figured I’d manage alright on my own. I tried EmoTrance, which was developed by Silvia Hartmann. It was a relatively simple and short exercise, which is why it appealed to me so much.


Following the guidance in the book, I sat down and thought about the memory I wanted to release, then wrote it on a piece of paper, placing it faced down on my lap. I took a few long deep breaths and then turned it over. Slowly and purposefully, I read the words again. A wave of emotion washed over me. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I fully gave in to the sadness. I placed my hand on my chest. That’s where I could feel it. The idea was to try to get a sense of which direction the energy wanted to go, where it wanted to exit my body. Almost immediately, I could feel a tightening in my throat, as if the energy was stuck there. I scarcely knew if it was real or imagined. Very gently, I massaged my neck with my fingers. Instinctively, I opened my mouth and kept it open for a minute, hoping I was letting it go. I’ll admit, I felt a little foolish. But, it also felt like the right thing to do.


I wasn’t sure if it had worked, so I went through the whole process again, just slightly modifying what I wrote on the paper. Afterwards, I definitely felt better, but wasn’t really certain whether it had been successful. However, later that evening a friend called me for a catch up and I ended up telling her about the memory and the exercise. No negative emotions emerged at all when I was talking to her. Absolutely none. I couldn’t quite believe it. In fact, the following morning I decided to take a moment to check in with how I felt again, just to be sure the trauma was cleared. I let my mind wonder back to that last day once more. The sadness didn’t return. It was gone. I couldn’t quite believe how such a simple exercise had been so effective. It was amazing. I felt so empowered because I now had an exercise I could call upon again, should the need arise.


Around the same time, I’d been reading about how important it is to stay positive in all aspects of life. I guess, in many ways, because I set the intention to let go of the sad memories, because I was ready, it happened. I didn’t want to be sad anymore. It’s amazing how a simple mind shift can work wonders. It’s impossible to feel sad when you’re thinking happy thoughts. I decided to replace the old memory of my stepdad with a happier one. I pictured him having fun dancing. He had his own unique style, which made me smile. I brought the memory back to life by remembering what he was wearing, what the room was like and the lighting. I could visualise it all like a colour movie, full of movement. I could even hear his voice. I remembered how I felt on the evening and the smile returned to me once again. Hopefully, in the years to come, it will be one of the memories that will stay with me.

By Lisa G Saw February 13, 2025
PRIOR TO EPIC ANTARCTIC ADVENTURE I'd given up the idea of visiting Antarctica after the trip I was booked on in November 2020 was cancelled due to Covid. It was meant to be a 50th Birthday treat for myself. As you can imagine, it was hugely disappointing. With the future looking so uncertain at that time, especially being self-employed, I abandoned the idea of going because it was just so much money. I know there were many people that had cancelled holidays then, including Bob's son, Matt, who'd been due to visit Madagascar. In 2024, Matt was finally having that dream holiday and when we were having a meal out one evening he was talking about his impending trip. For the first time in ages, I mentioned my own disappointment and how it didn't seem likely I'd go to the Antarctic, especially as Bob didn't seem interested in going. In a rather bizarre turn of events, later that same evening Matt received some information from Birdquest about a 50% discount on an Antarctic trip leaving in 6 weeks with Oceanwide Expeditions. I couldn't believe it! What's more, after reading about the trip and the dates, I realised it coincided with my mid term break in classes, and so it seemed entirely possible I could go. I'd have to extend my break from teaching to allow enough time to travel to/from South America and for the 21 days of the trip, but it seemed crazy not to take advantage of this amazing offer. I was keen to go, Bob was less so, and we took a weekend to think about it, look at all the costs involved, before making a decision. In that time, we nearly both talked ourselves out of going. For me, it was largely to do with whether I should go, considering the impact such a voyage has on the polar region and also my carbon footprint. After much deliberation, I decided it was such an amazing opportunity, I didn't want to pass it up. I needed to let go of any guilt in choosing to go and it was also important to me to find some balance - such as making a donation, sharing the photos and the experience not only in this blog, but by giving talks. This was in alignment with my greater purpose, which is to inspire people to care about nature and this planet and not just what's on our own doorstep, but all around the world. I'd actually given up the hope that Bob would join me, but as we looked through the promotional photos for the trip, he suddenly said, 'Okay! Just book it!' I was so surprised, but thrilled he was going to join me. What an amazing experience we would have together. I quickly booked before he could change his mind and six weeks later we were flying out to Argentina to begin our epic adventure.
Scotch Argus
By Lisa G Saw December 4, 2024
Earlier in the year, Bob and I had a wonderful holiday up in Scotland, focusing mostly on the Isle of Mull. I've written several blog posts about this trip, which you can read by clicking on this link . However, at the start and the end of our time up north, we went looking for new butterfly species for me - ones we don't see in the south of England. I'm currently in the process of trying to see all UK butterfly species. During our last few days of that holiday, we were in Cumbria searching for the Large Heath, Northern Brown Argus and the Mountain Ringlet. It was too early for the High Brown Fritillary following the cool damp spring, however, there was a chance of seeing some in early August, albeit potentially very tatty and right at the end of their flight season. We'd already started mulling over the idea of returning to Cumbria at that time of year to see another butterfly species new to me, the Scotch Argus. The opportunity to see both species was too tempting to pass by. So, we returned to Cumbria on 6th August, but this time just for two days. It was all we could fit in to our schedule.
By Lisa G Saw November 15, 2024
After our wonderful holiday up in Scotland, which I've written about in my previous posts - the last of which was Other Mull Highliahts - Bob and I headed to Cumbria. It was a great way for us to break up our journey south. We were based in Kendal. We had three full days and three new butterfly species for me to find: Large Heath, Northern Brown Argus and Mountain Ringlet. None of these species can be found in the south and I'm currently on a quest to see all species of Butterfly in the UK (mainland). I knew it was going to be a challenge because once again, the weather really wasn't on our side with mostly rain, wind and overcast conditions. But, after our success in Fort William and seeing my first Chequered Skipper in less than ideal conditions, I was optimistic there was still a chance of success, albeit small. DAY 1 Our focus on the Saturday was the Large Heath butterfly. It's a species that's endangered in the UK because so much of its habitat has been destroyed. They like wet boggy land and Meathop Moss Nature Reserve is a great place to see them. It was less than 30 minutes drive from our hotel. We headed off in really dreary weather wondering how the day ahead would unfold.
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